GPS Solutions product EOL notice

GPS Solutions, Inc. (GPSS) was established in 1991 and became part of Hexagon’s Autonomy and Positioning division in 2016. GPS Solutions developed GNSS data analysis software including the real-time global orbit and clock corrections software system used by Hexagon.

Several technologies developed and sold by GPS Solutions have been incorporated into Hexagon | NovAtel software products including the NovAtel Application Suite (NAS), Waypoint post-processing software, TerraStar Correction Services and Hexagon’s SmartNet Correction Service. All other products have been made end-of-life (EOL) including the following:

  • RTNet – Real-time network processing engine
  • RTES – Real-time epoch server
  • RTRef – Network RTK correction
  • RTRover – Real-time analysis on client side
  • RTUser – OS-independent GUI processing controller
  • RTMon – Software for monitoring GNSS networks
  • GNSS Converter – Command line tool to convert between GNSS data formats
  • PPS – GNSS post-processing software

Hexagon will no longer provide maintenance, updates, testing or their supporting software tools to customers who do not have existing service agreements.

To discuss replacement product offerings or any other questions, please email

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